HCP Guide to Onboarding


The Doc Abode Onboarding portal allows providers to assure individuals before sharing job details and individuals to create a digital passport, which will then enable them to work across a range of clinical organisations seamlessly and easily via the Doc Abode platform.

This guide has been created to support you through the enrollment process. Here we will cover:

Overview of Onboarding Process


Please visit http://onboarding.docabode.com

Select the option “I am a health care professional (HCP) and would like to start using DocAbode”
You will then progress to a Personal Details form where you will require your:

Full Name
Mobile Number
Email Address
Professional Status
Professional Body registration details (if applicable)

Once completed you will be able to submit. Your registration will be reviewed by Doc Abode and approved for progression.

You will receive an email and text message with a username and temporary password you can use to sign in and continue the onboarding process.

Complete Onboarding

Verifying your email address

Once you have received the Doc Abode email / text, click the URL/or go to 'I have already have an account on the Doc Abode platform' and use your USERNAME and PASSWORD included in the email. This is a ‘one time’ password and upon login you will be required to create a unique password.

If your temporary password has expired please contact your organisation administrator or support@docabode.com.

Your new password must:

• Be a minimum of 8 characters
• Contain at least one uppercase letter
• Contain at least one lowercase letter

Next you will be asked to verify your email address. You will receive another email with a verification code. Enter the code on the Doc Abode webpage to progress with your onboarding organisation registration and passport credentials.

Please note: If the verification code does not arrive in your inbox check your junk mail. If no verification code arrives within 10 minutes click “resend code” on the Doc Abode webpage.

My Organisations

My Organisations

Once you have logged into the Doc Abode onboarding portal you will be presented with the option’s “My Organisations”, “My Passport” & “View All Organisations”.

Click 'View All Organisations'. If you already work for an organisation you may select the tick box to start a 'fast track' application without needing to complete the full onboarding process. This is down to the discretion of each organisation, they may still require you to complete the full onboarding before approval.

In most circumstances, you must complete “My Passport” (the full onboarding process) before you can apply to join any new organisations.

Once you have completed your passport, you will be able to request to join organisations that are currently accepting new applications. Please select one or more organisations. They will receive your application and subject to successful completion will approve your request. Once the organisation approves your application you will receive notifications of any available jobs via the mobile app.

Most applications are reviewed and approved within 14 days of submission. If your application is incomplete or missing any information, the provider will be in touch directly.

My Passport

My Passport

After you have validated your email account with the verification code, the Doc Abode website will prompt you to complete your Onboarding process.

Currently you will need to provide the following information to complete your application:

• Personal details
• Financial details
• Professional details
• Transport (driving license)
• Two references
• Proof of identity
• Confirmation of vaccination status
• Employment history and professional qualifications
• Proof of Right to Work
• DBS Certification

You can save your progress and return at a later date.
Once you are happy with your application, confirm the Declaration and click Complete Application.

Your application will be reviewed.

Once approved you will be able to log in and visit My Organisations to request to join organisations of your choice.

Download the Doc Abode App

Doc Abode App

You are now ready to download the Doc Abode App.
For instructions on this please follow the HCP User Guide